Health Test Today a leading blood test center and pathology lab in Navi Mumbai

HDL Cholesterol
₹ 200
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Heavy Metal Analysis from blood
₹ 5750
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Heavy Metal Analysis from blood - 2
₹ 11000
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Heavy Metal Analysis from Urine
₹ 6000
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  • Lab Visit
Hepatitis A Virus IgG
₹ 700
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  • Lab Visit
High Sensitive CRP
₹ 600
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  • Lab Visit
₹ 700
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HIV Western Blot
₹ 2500
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Homa Beta
₹ 500
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  • Lab Visit
Homa IR (Mass Unit)
₹ 670
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Homocysteine level
₹ 1200
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Homovanillic Acid (HVA), 24-Hour Urine
₹ 8000
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  • Lab Visit
HSV (Type II) antibody IgG
₹ 620
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HSV Type I antibody IgG
₹ 620
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  • Lab Visit
HSV1/2 IgG
₹ 1300
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  • Lab Visit
HSV1/2 IgM
₹ 650
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Human Epididymis Protein 4 (HE4)
₹ 21000
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Human Growth Hormone level
₹ 700
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Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Panel
₹ 10000
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  • Lab Visit
IA-2 antibody
₹ 2400
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  • Lab Visit
IgA level
₹ 600
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  • Lab Visit
IgE level
₹ 700
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  • Lab Visit
IgG level
₹ 700
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  • Lab Visit
IgG1 Subclass
₹ 2500
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  • Lab Visit
IgG2 Subclass
₹ 2500
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  • Lab Visit
IgG3 Subclass
₹ 2500
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  • Lab Visit
₹ 6500
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  • Lab Visit
IgM level
₹ 1200
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  • Lab Visit
IL-6 level
₹ 2500
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  • Lab Visit
Immunoglobulin Profile (IgG, IgM, IgA)
₹ 1700
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  • Lab Visit
Individual Allergen-Oat f7
₹ 800
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  • Lab Visit
Inhibin A Level
₹ 1200
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  • Lab Visit
Inhibin B Level
₹ 1900
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin 1 Hrs After Glucose
₹ 500
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin 1Hrs After Glucose
₹ 500
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin 2 Hrs After Glucose/Lunch
₹ 680
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin 2.5 Hrs After Glucose
₹ 500
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin 30 Min After Glucose
₹ 500
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin and glucose-Post Prandial
₹ 600
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin antibody
₹ 2000
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin Fasting
₹ 600
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin Glucose Ratio ( after 1 hr )
₹ 550
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin Glucose Ratio Fasting
₹ 550
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin like Growth Factor - 1 level
₹ 2800
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin Like Growth Factor BP3 level
₹ 4050
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin Random
₹ 600
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  • Lab Visit
Insulin Sensitivity (%)
₹ 500
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  • Lab Visit
Ionic Calcium
₹ 450
  • Home Collection
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Iron Level
₹ 300
  • Home Collection
  • Lab Visit
Iron Studies (TIBC)
₹ 700
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Health Test Today COVID Super Plus

Test Parameters: Alanine Amino-transferase (ALT) SGPT